Monday 3 June 2013

Bunnies 1 - Olive 0

I’m afraid I was a tad stupid last weekend. Even though the bunnies and I have a mutual understanding – it’s the thrill of the chase, nothing sinister – we got a little carried away. I left dad alone in the woods while I had some fun. Unfortunately I never saw what was coming next.
Everything went black and dirt flew in all directions but then came the almighty pain. I couldn’t figure out where it hurt and the bunnies never stuck around to see if I was alright. I dragged myself back to my feet and found mum, who was out helping dad look for me. I hung my head in shame but he gave me a big kiss on the head.
As we walked home I felt my leg stiffening and my chest throbbing. It appears I have left a big piece of skin in the woods!

So far, I have avoided the cone of shame.