Saturday 30 June 2012

A Wee Jaunt

Sorry I’ve taken so long to blog, folks. I’ve been off on my travels and officially made it to my third country, Scotland. We went to dad’s homeland and I met some more of my extended family. There were so many people to meet and things to see. I struggled to sniff it all in. On one of many walks, I was renamed Olav by Jennifer (dad’s niece), she’s very small, which truly fascinates me. These little humans are always full of beans and very protective of their balls. I can never resist a ball, especially not a spectacular rainbow coloured one! Everyone was so welcoming and fantastic and I can’t wait to go back and see them all again.

My first glimpse of the Wallace Monument.

There were so many highlights, that I won’t be able to fit them all in, but I’ll try. However, one thing I don’t see the point of, is climbing giant mountains. We went up this mountain, easily taller than Everest, called Dumyat. It was so windy at the top that my tongue kept slapping me in the ear. I like the taste of ear wax but not that much. It was so steep and I was exhausted but thankfully on the way down we discovered a paradise pool. Now that was lovely.

Then, it was off to Edinburgh to meet Uncle Ian and cheer dad on at the Edinburgh Marathon. While he was pounding the pavement, I was revisiting my regal roots at Edinburgh Castle with mum and my uncle. I don’t think I’d like to live in the castle though, it’s on a big hill and there’s not much of a garden. (Plus they won’t let me in.) Still, I did enjoy myself and I got fussed by some Chinese tourists. I can’t wait for my next trip.

Ps. Scotland makes very good water…the best I’ve tasted for a while.

Right, I have some important things to be doing, so ciao for now.