Tuesday 5 November 2013

Great Greyhound Gathering

As I sit here nervously curled up on the couch, trying not to think about the continuous explosions outside, I thought I’d tell you about the recent greyhound gathering. 

I’m not usually into these big gatherings but I was dragged along regardless. Nottingham Racecourse certainly has a couple of things going for it; it attracts the finest smells and tasty treats.

I don’t go in for the classes; it wouldn’t be fair on the other hounds. I let them have their fun. Some come away with trophies for classes like ‘best black hound’ & ‘best fancy dress.’ 

I’d enter but there just isn’t enough room on the mantelpiece so while everyone’s busy, I get myself off to the treat tent. 

I’ve never tasted muffins and pasties quick like these, fantastic. Although I did feel a little ill afterwards but it was worth it.

So if you ever get the chance next September, come along to the Great Greyhound Gathering and we can share a muffin.

But before I go, take a closer look at what the people are trying to pin on us!


Sunday 29 September 2013

Croeso i Gymru (Welcome to Wales)

You know, we hounds have many favourite things but now camping is one of them.

We went on holiday to Wales which is now the fourth country I’ve visited! Camping near Rhyd ddu at the bottom of Mt Snowdon, I had a field, a lake and a hillock to call my own. There was only a little black barking beast to ruin the ambiance but once we laid down the personal space rules, all was well in my new utopia.

You see, house rules don’t apply to camping. I’m allowed on the bed they sleep in. If only they made everything as comfy as this.

I’m allowed to steal food from dad’s hand when he isn’t looking. Well, admittedly I pushed the boundaries there but hey, a girl’s got to try.

I was so exhausted I just couldn’t stop. I zoomed around the campsite, I jumped in the lake and I couldn’t wait to climb the mountain but before that, yes, before that I enjoyed my first Welsh pub, the Cwellyn Arms! There was fuss and treats galore, not to mention a roaring fireplace that I could toast my paws near.

I was sad to leave the pub but the next day we climbed Mount Snowdon and after a long steep journey I’m proud to say that…I’ve slept at the top. In fairness, it was a well earned rest. I scrambled my way over steep rocks and sheep pooh but it was all worth it because after three hours, I made it to the top first. 

Although during the climb I found that the sheep were very bolshy and not at all accommodating with my desire to stare.

However I was disappointed to discover that a train can bring you to the top of the mountain! Although no hounds allowed, so we had to walk down! At least I got a badge for my efforts and it said ‘I climbed Snowdon the hard way.’ Damn right I did! 

It has left me wondering whether I’m the first Australian hound to make it to the top of Mount Snowdon?

To say this little holiday had it all, would be an understatement. On the way home we stopped at a lovely cafĂ© with couches but I wasn’t allowed on them, although I did get to go inside and sneak a crafty lick of a jammy spoon. Nobody saw and I wouldn’t want to ruin it for the other hounds so I just chilled on the floor.

Even though I had just climbed the highest mountain in Wales the day before, I couldn’t believe my luck when we arrived at the beach. It had rained most of the time but when my paws hit sand, the sun came out. In preparation, I stole a couple of dad’s chips and with the last ounce of energy left in my body; I sprinted around the beach like a puppy and threw myself in the sea, fabulous. Afterwards, when my head hit the softness of my bed in the back of the car, it felt like only seconds before we pulled into our driveway at home.

You may think I’ve gone on a bit but one thing is for certain…Wales, rocks!

Monday 16 September 2013

Pack of Four

Being part of a happy healthy pack is important but when that pack grows, even for a short time, it’s even better.

My good friend Molly came to stay for a few days and once I got over only having seven places to sleep, I enjoyed it. 

Every morning we went for a walk down by the lakes and had a run through the park. It’s just fantastic having someone of equal speed to chase. Molly would bounce and run through the bushes and I would follow with my trusty squeaky Kong ball lodged in my mouth.

Although amongst those bushes, the rabbits linger and it’s safe to say that Molly has more of a penchant for them than I do. Oh God I’ve learnt my lesson from them. I just let them stroll on by but I felt they have been making fun of me lately, just slowly hopping past me and even having the gall to taunt me with that fluffy white tail. Well, they got a shock when Molly burst onto the scene.

Together we investigated, chased, peed and thieved.

Admittedly, I did show off a bit. Molly wasn’t too fond of the water and I may have rubbed it in slightly. I’m not too keen on the water sloshing against my bits but I thought I’d go a little deeper. I played it cool but I was uncomfortably standing on my claws just to keep from drowning. Worth it though.

It was great having company when I was home alone but it’s always good to get the best roaching spots back.

Come again Molly, you’re always welcome.

Monday 3 June 2013

Bunnies 1 - Olive 0

I’m afraid I was a tad stupid last weekend. Even though the bunnies and I have a mutual understanding – it’s the thrill of the chase, nothing sinister – we got a little carried away. I left dad alone in the woods while I had some fun. Unfortunately I never saw what was coming next.
Everything went black and dirt flew in all directions but then came the almighty pain. I couldn’t figure out where it hurt and the bunnies never stuck around to see if I was alright. I dragged myself back to my feet and found mum, who was out helping dad look for me. I hung my head in shame but he gave me a big kiss on the head.
As we walked home I felt my leg stiffening and my chest throbbing. It appears I have left a big piece of skin in the woods!

So far, I have avoided the cone of shame.

Monday 6 May 2013

Magic crystals

Wow! What a weekend! The sun has finally arrived. Now I can bake and cool myself repeatedly, just like I was back in Australia. To top it all off though, I had a fruitful visit to the vet.

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed but vets really like to stick things where they shouldn’t. Whenever I feel the cold sensation in my rear end, I go into a trance. I swear it’s some kind of mind control. However, it turns out that my bladder is forming some magic crystals, struvites and oxalates to be precise. They sound enchanting; I reckon they are distant relatives of diamonds judging by all the goodies I’ve gotten. 

We came home with exciting new food and treats, yes they don’t taste as good as fresh cat pooh but they are excellent just the same. I have my suspicions about dad though; I think he might be trying to steal them because recently, every time I have a pee, he's there with a tray. It made me so nervous that I would nip it off to prevent him catching any.

Hopefully they will keep me in kibble and treats for a long time but if not, there are always pigeons to chase, if I can find the energy.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

The Rex Factor

I’ve been practising my singing recently and I’ve been flattered into making an audition tape. They’re saying I’ve got a lovely voice but I’m not so sure. Maybe all my chums out there can let me know? Mum & dad are on backing vocals to help me get into the rhythm. Who knows, maybe Simon Cowell will call one day.
Apologies for the size of the video, I haven't had my claws clipped so I can't hit the right button!

Head on over to YouTube for a larger version.

Sunday 20 January 2013

My Winter Lodge

The white stuff made a dramatic return this weekend. However, this year I was much better prepared. My jacket was on and my ball was in my mouth. I pawed at the gate while dad took his sweet time opening it and then…I was off!

While I ran around the garden, amusing myself, I noticed that an odd construction was being built. Being fairly new to snow, I couldn’t fathom it out. They were making shapes and putting them on top of each other. It was a far cry from the scary snow figures they built last year, but I was intrigued. However, they were reluctant to let me help, anytime I came near, I was pushed away!
I didn't care. By now my paws were beginning to freeze and my jacket was wet from diving for my ball, so it was off to the couch.
I woke to dad calling for me and the smell of a Schmacko was lingering. I dutifully went outside and they lured me towards the cavern standing on the deck. The smell was overwhelming and coming from inside the cavern, so I bravely went inside. 


The ground was so soft and comfy so I humoured them by plonking myself down. As I lay inside, scoffing down those tasty treats, mum asked, “do you like your new Winter Lodge?” and you know what? I do.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

2013 - The Year Of Olive

I would just like to wish everybody a happy new year and I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas. Hopefully this year will be just as good as the last. I reckon it’s going to be fantastic…I can feel it in my kibble.

This Christmas was marvellous and brought with it a fabulous five course dinner, including cheese and biscuits! All day long I kept my tum topped up. The only problem was, every time I ‘roached I rolled right over, I just couldn’t stay comfy. 

Oh and I’m pleased to announce the arrival of Mr Bitey. He is most definitely my favourite new toy and being a crocodile he reminds me of my life in Australia! I'm really hoping that 2013 will be the year of Olive...again!