Friday, 9 November 2012


First off let me apologise for my lack of activity. My excuse may be elaborate but it’s worthy. Back in August, the old folks decided it was time to pack up and move to a new house. I wasn’t overly keen at first but I’ve walked straight into the middle of an underground crime syndicate. I’ve taken it upon myself to clean up this neck of the woods but it comes at a price. We are surrounded by a mob of cats governed by a mysterious shadow. I’ve tried my damndest and after many chases through hedges I’m starting to make some head way. 

The cuts and bruises I’d accumulated up until this point have paled in comparison to what happened next. One dark evening, I came face to face with the mysterious shadow. He never said much but his bushy tail swished a torrid tale. There’s just one fox to rule all of the cats, scare him off and his minions will follow. He’s laid down the gauntlet but I’m taking back my home. He has stole my chews and run off with my toys but I wont give up. He has even sent his speedy squirrel scouts along my fence to keep tabs on me. I'm not having it, I’ll chase until I can chase no more.
However one fateful morning, I saw one of his henchmen down by the lake. I couldn’t resist, my bottom jaw quivered wildly and when he ran, I gave chase. I was overcome with excitement and I wasn’t thinking. He leapt over a wall, I couldn’t jump as far and suddenly I was falling. I crumpled into a painful heap and screamed for dad. He rushed to my aid and begged me to end my crusade against Mr Fox. I couldn’t promise such a feat but we got me home. 

Mr Fox may have won this round but after a few weeks of recuperation my limp is gone and I’m back out protecting my patch. Nothing will get the better of me…nothing!

This is the comfiest look out post.

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